Generated on March 14 2024 14:10 PM
Old data? UPDATE !
The score is 50/100
Length : 9
Ideally, your title should contain between 10 and 70 characters (spaces included). Use this free tool to calculate text length.
Length : 124
Great, your meta description contains between 70 and 160 characters.
Good, your page contains meta keywords.
Og Meta Properties
Good, your page take advantage of Og Properties.
Property | Content |
type | website |
title | 株式会社ドルフィン |
site_name | 株式会社ドルフィン |
url | // |
image | // |
description | 株式会社ドルフィンは宮崎県日南で中心に賃貸・売買を行っている会社です。ライフスタイルの総合窓口としてこれまでにない豊かな暮らしを実感できる日南の素晴らしさをご提供しています。どんなことでも構いませんどなた様もお気軽にお問い合わせください。 |
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
1 | 5 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
We found 37 images on this web page.
Good, most or all of your images have alt attributes.
Text/HTML Ratio
Ratio : 5%
This page's ratio of text to HTML code is below 15 percent, this means that your website probably needs more text content.
Perfect, no Flash content has been detected on this page.
Too Bad, you have Iframes on the web pages, this mean that content in an Iframe cannot be indexed.
URL Rewrite
Good. Your links looks friendly!
Underscores in the URLs
Perfect! No underscores detected in your URLs.
In-page links
We found a total of 0 links including 0 link(s) to files
Anchor | Type | Juice |
Keywords Cloud
株式会社ドルフィン ホーム house お問い合わせ マリン事業 バー事業 ホテル事業 物件検索 不動産事業 日南で
Keywords Consistency
Keyword | Content | Title | Keywords | Description | Headings |
不動産事業 | 4 | ||||
マリン事業 | 4 | ||||
ホテル事業 | 4 | ||||
バー事業 | 4 | ||||
ホーム | 3 |
Domain :
Length : 15
Great, your website has a favicon.
We could not find a Print-Friendly CSS.
Good. Your declared language is ja.
Dublin Core
This page does not take advantage of Dublin Core.
Perfect. Your declared charset is UTF-8.
W3C Validity
Errors : 50
Warnings : 0
Email Privacy
Great no email address has been found in plain text!
Deprecated HTML
Great! We haven't found deprecated HTML tags in your HTML.
Speed Tips
Excellent, your website doesn't use nested tables. | |
Too bad, your website is using inline styles. | |
Too bad, your website has too many CSS files (more than 4). | |
Too bad, your website has too many JS files (more than 6). | |
Perfect, your website takes advantage of gzip. |
Mobile Optimization
Apple Icon | |
Meta Viewport Tag | |
Flash content |
XML Sitemap
Your website does not have an XML sitemap - this can be problematic.
A sitemap lists URLs that are available for crawling and can include additional information like your site's latest updates, frequency of changes and importance of the URLs. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently.
Great, your website has a robots.txt file.
We didn't detect an analytics tool installed on this website.
Web analytics let you measure visitor activity on your website. You should have at least one analytics tool installed, but It can also be good to install a second in order to cross-check the data.
Website Review is a free SEO tool which provides you content analysis of the website.