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Welcome to our MATHSGROW.COM site, where numbers come to life. We're here to simplyfy math and make it easy for you. Whether you're a student or professional, we provide clear solve and step-by-step solutions. Let's conquer math together.

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description Welcome to our MATHSGROW.COM site, where numbers come to life. We're here to simplyfy math and make it easy for you. Whether you're a student or professional, we provide clear solve and step-by-step solutions. Let's conquer math together.
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Niveaux de titre

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
0 7 16 0 0 0
  • [H2] Our Motto
  • [H2] Maths Questions Solve
  • [H2] Solved Question
  • [H2] Percentage
  • [H3] [SOLVED} DI Table Chart Questions – 3: The following table shows the percentage (%) distribution of six different types of items A-F produced by a company in the years 2020 and 2021.
  • [H3] [SOLVED} DI Table Chart Questions – 2: These are the marks scored by 4 students in 3 different subjects.
  • [H3] [SOLVED} DI Pie Chart Questions – 1: What is the percentage of total students enrolled in Medical and Engineering?
  • [H3] Using (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab, find (i) 103 x 104 (ii) 5.1 x 5.2 (iii) 103 x 98 (iv) 9.7 x 9.8
  • [H3] Using a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b), find (i) 512– 492 (ii) (1.02)2– (0.98)2 (iii) 1532– 1472 (iv) 12.12– 7.92
  • [H3] Using identities, evaluate (i) 71² (ii) 99² (iii) 1022 (iv) 998² (v) 5.2² (vi) 297 x 303 (vii) 78 x 82 (viii) 8.92 (ix) 10.5 x 9.5
  • [H3] In a medical transaction, 17 times the cost price is equal to 8 times the sum of the cost price and the selling price. What is the gain or loss percentage?
  • [H3] P can finish a work in 18 days. When he had worked for 5 days, Q joined him. If both of them together completed the remaining work in $\frac{13}{5}$ days, then in how many days can Q alone finish 66$\frac{2}{3}$% of the same work?
  • [H3] A person saves $33\frac{1}{3}$% of his income. If the savings increase by 22% and the expenditure increases by 10%, then the percentage increase in his income is:
  • [H3] If Meena gives an interest of ₹ 45 for one year at 9% rate p.a. What is the sum she has borrowed?
  • [H3] What rate gives ₹ 280 as interest on a sum of ₹ 56,000 in 2 years?
  • [H3] Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3 years in each case: (a) Principal = ₹ 1,200 at 12% p.a. (b) Principal = ₹ 7,500 aat 5% p.a.
  • [H3] In a medical transaction, 17 times the cost price is equal to 8 times the sum of the cost price and the selling price. What is the gain or loss percentage?
  • [H3] The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboidal solid block of wax are 216 cm2, 96 cm2 and 144 cm2. It is melted and 8 cubes of the same size are formed from it. What is the lateral surface area (in cm2) of 3 such cubes?
  • [H3] In ΔABC, AB = 20 cm, BC = 7 cm and CA = 15 cm. Side BC is produced to D such that ΔDAB ∼ ΔDCA. DC is equal to:
  • [H3] P can finish a work in 18 days. When he had worked for 5 days, Q joined him. If both of them together completed the remaining work in $\frac{13}{5}$ days, then in how many days can Q alone finish 66$\frac{2}{3}$% of the same work?


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Skip to content Interne Passing Juice
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Data Interpretation Interne Passing Juice
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Using (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab, find (i) 103 x 104 (ii) 5.1 x 5.2 (iii) 103 x 98 (iv) 9.7 x 9.8 Interne Passing Juice
Using a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b), find (i) 512– 492 (ii) (1.02)2– (0.98)2 (iii) 1532– 1472 (iv) 12.12– 7.92 Interne Passing Juice
Using identities, evaluate (i) 71² (ii) 99² (iii) 1022 (iv) 998² (v) 5.2² (vi) 297 x 303 (vii) 78 x 82 (viii) 8.92 (ix) 10.5 x 9.5 Interne Passing Juice
In a medical transaction, 17 times the cost price is equal to 8 times the sum of the cost price and the selling price. What is the gain or loss percentage? Interne Passing Juice
P can finish a work in 18 days. When he had worked for 5 days, Q joined him. If both of them together completed the remaining work in $\frac{13}{5}$ days, then in how many days can Q alone finish 66$\frac{2}{3}$% of the same work? Interne Passing Juice
A person saves $33\frac{1}{3}$% of his income. If the savings increase by 22% and the expenditure increases by 10%, then the percentage increase in his income is: Interne Passing Juice
If Meena gives an interest of ₹ 45 for one year at 9% rate p.a. What is the sum she has borrowed? Interne Passing Juice
What rate gives ₹ 280 as interest on a sum of ₹ 56,000 in 2 years? Interne Passing Juice
Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3 years in each case: (a) Principal = ₹ 1,200 at 12% p.a. (b) Principal = ₹ 7,500 aat 5% p.a. Interne Passing Juice
The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboidal solid block of wax are 216 cm2, 96 cm2 and 144 cm2. It is melted and 8 cubes of the same size are formed from it. What is the lateral surface area (in cm2) of 3 such cubes? Interne Passing Juice
In ΔABC, AB = 20 cm, BC = 7 cm and CA = 15 cm. Side BC is produced to D such that ΔDAB ∼ ΔDCA. DC is equal to: Interne Passing Juice
Vidya and Pratap went for a picnic. Their mother gave them a water bottle that contained 5 litres of water. Vidya consumed 25 of the water. Pratap consumed the remaining water. Interne Passing Juice
Question 6 Multiply and express as a mixed fraction. Interne Passing Juice
Shade: (i) 1/2 of the circles in box (a) (ii) 2/3 of the circles in box (b) (iii) 3/5 of the circles in box (c) Interne Passing Juice
Multiply and reduce to lowest form and convert into a mixed fraction: (i) 7 × (3/5) (ii) 4 × (1/3) (iii) 2 × (6/7) (iv) 5 × (2/9) (v) (2/3) × 4 (vi) (5/2) × 6 Interne Passing Juice
Some pictures (a) to (c) are given below. Tell which of them show: (i) 3 × (1/5) = (3/5) (ii) 2 × (1/3) = (2/3) (iii) 3 × (3/4) = 2 ¼ Interne Passing Juice
Amina buys a book for ₹ 275 and sells it at a loss of 15%. How much does she sell it for? Interne Passing Juice
Question 7. (i) Chalk contains calcium, carbon, and oxygen in the ratio of 10 : 3 : 12. Find the percentage of carbon in chalk. (ii) If in a stick of chalk, carbon is 3 g, what is the weight of the chalk stick? Interne Passing Juice
Juki sells a washing machine for ₹ 13,500. She loses 20% in the bargain. What was the price at which she brought it? Interne Passing Juice
1 buy a T.V. for ₹ 10,000 and sell it at a profit of 20%. How much money do I get for it? Interne Passing Juice
Privacy Policy Interne Passing Juice
Fractions and Decimals Interne Passing Juice
Mensuration Interne Passing Juice
Percentage Interne Passing Juice
Triangle Interne Passing Juice


Nuage de mots-clefs

cost times days questions percentage algebra price november sum work

Cohérence des mots-clefs

Mot-clef Contenu Titre Mots-clefs Description Niveaux de titre
percentage 20
days 16
price 13
work 12
times 8



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